“Know your magic, trust your magic, use your magic and  know that you are a manifestation of life’s magic” – Rasheed Ogunlaru, Coach – Speaker – Author.

I saw this beautiful piece of street art in the photograph you see during this week. It reminded me of the remarkable gifts and talents that we all have. Some let their magic shine. While others shy away, hide away, get in their own way, get dejected when things don’t go their way or when barriers are (put) in their way.

To me being a creative means not just creating art, music, dance, film, craft, clothes, literature – or whatever it is but being creative about how we let it it express itself. By that I don’t just mean the work. I mean how you go about your life’s work.

When I was pursuing music I was so obsessed with one door – getting a deal – that I did not look for, explore discover or create other doors, windows or paths. But first and foremost ones creativity – or professional / personal talents – flow through.

Sometimes it’s just about creating…simply for the expression, satisfaction, healing, joy and beauty it brings. Sometimes it is something that somehow needs to be shared with others. Be it on a local city street or via simple yet global social media page.

This is not just a theme for the so called ‘creatives’ among you. It’s for one and all. It’s about recognising your worth, your value, spotting what you do well, putting in the time and attention to develop those skills, ‘backing’ oneself and pursuing your own path passionately.  Invariably there are all sorts of ups and downs along the way  – on that personal, career or business path but it is a deeply fulfilling one.