Here are 5 things that will change your life for the better forever. None of them will cost you a thing but they may save you a lot of time, trouble, tears and turmoil.

Rasheed Ogunlaru Coach - Speaker - Author

Rasheed Ogunlaru Coach – Speaker – Author

  1. Gratitude: We tend to live life from a place of lack – constantly seeking more possessions, power, love, knowledge …you name it. Instead of this start from focusing on whatever it is you do have: friends, family, a home, health, abilities…. the list will go on. Keep this in mind and build from it.
  1. Acceptance: Is one of the most under-appreciated, underplayed and powerful qualities. Far from being a passive thing acceptance is about recognising what is, coming to peace with it and moving on. If you deny, ignore or block out what is happening you are likely to get stuck, stressed or frustrated. Acceptance boosts your wisdom, learning and ability to move and flow. It is the quality that moves you from fighting life to being at one with it.
  1. Generosity: Like gratitude this is a quality that will immediately boost your energy, empathy, state of mind and wellbeing. I’m not talking about giving away your worldly possessions I’m inviting you to be generous of heart and spirit. Be kind, giving, encouraging, give others rich feedback, share useful information, connect people to others that can help them, share, signpost and support. Give others a little of your time, expertise. Growth cannot happen without this – yours and that of everyone else you meet. Generosity is a key line between you and the world that nourishes both.
  1. Awareness: I have a saying “until you are clear nothing will be clear – once you are clear everything will be”. Awareness is the quality of being still, silent, centred, watchful and mindful. It comes from listening and being attuned to yourself and to life itself. Awareness is a quality that emerges naturally as you adopt the other of these qualities featured here. It becomes your most powerful asset; awareness brings alertness, insight, foresight and vision – and enhances your ability to plan, be prepared and to act.
  1. Compassion: Perhaps the most profound and potent quality of all. Compassion first toward yourself and then to others will change your life and will radiate out to warm the hearts of all around you. Love, understanding, kindness, caring, mindfulness and empathy and its constituent parts. Foster these qualities and watch it bring comfort, kindness and a higher quality of connectedness to all concerned.

 Rasheed Ogunlaru is a leading life coach, motivational speaker and business / corporate coach. He is author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business and The Gift of Inner Success