“It’s always wiser to follow your heart than to walk someone else’s path” – Rasheed Ogunlaru.

A neighbour just shared with this article pictured above: a list of Top 5 regrets a reported patients saying in their final hours.

Perhaps like myself you may have seen this type of list many times. Those lists of things of things that people wish that they had said, done, not done and so on.

My neighbour remarked that rarely do these lists include people saying ‘I wish I’d made a million pounds/dollars.’  And again, as the old adage goes, very few people say “I wish I’d spent more time at the office”.

So as this year takes shape it’s well worth just taking stock of what’s really important in your life.

Just yesterday I caught up with a new client for his second coaching session. He is in the very rare position of having done very well in business, and being in a position having left it, to really consider what he wants to do with his life now. Perhaps like yourself friends and family are really important to him. As we spoke he began to realise and express how so often life is lived through another kind of list; the list of expectations, the list of worries and so on. It put life and what’s really important back in perspective.

This article pictured above also puts life back in  perspective.