1. Start and end your day with a few minutes of silence. 
  2. Problems? Sit with the issue quietly for clarity
  3. Work more effectively: Carry out tasks quietly 
  4. Deep listening: Be present + silent until others have finished speaking
  5. Powerful pause: in conversations allow silence to access insight
  6. Recharge: Switch off the gadgets / computers and gain quiet time 
  7. Pause, deep breaths & re-set: when stressed, angry or stretched
  8. Wellbeing: Go for quiet walks in the nature or sit quietly in the garden. 
  9. Food for thought: eat meals silently and mindfully – notice the deeper sense of presence and nourishment, be present with each spoonful
  10. Deep sleep / healing energy: Go to bed earlier so you have more time to access quality sleep and stillness
  11. Peaceful living: take time for meditation, silent prayer, reflection 
  12. Gratitude, flow & acceptance: let go of the need to battle or be right. Notice when speaking, responding and (re)acting is not necessary and where kind, mindful presence is more enriching and liberating.

Space, Stillness & Silence my healing and
soothing semi-meditative talk. £6.99 Download now. *

Join me for my Inspiring self, business & career development events at the British Library

Networking for Success 4pm-7.30pm on 11 Apr, 9 May, 12 Jun, 11 July & 12 Sep. Book Now:

Soul Trader; Your Life, Your Business workshop 13 May, 12 June, 12 Sep & 4 Dec 2019 Book Now: