Have you or are about to set New Years Resolutions for 2019? Dis you know that every year millions of people make New Years Resolutions, goals and plans only to break them within weeks? So how to you set New Years Resolutions that stick?

Check out my series of four one minute videos that will help you set and stick to your goals here on my YouTube Channel.  

Be it that you’re looking to get fit, get a new job, give up smoking or drinking or to make some other kind of change it’s important to plan, prepare and to take practical steps – and get support where needed. My four videos will help you understand.

  1. Understand why most resolutions fail and what’s key to succeed
  2. Set goals which are specific and strategic
  3. Create the space and manageable steps you need
  4. Identify the support and help you may need to start and succeed

If you are setting goals and resolutions for 2019 remember that you need to be focused, dedicated and that you should be looking at achieving and sticking to your goals over the whole year not just for the month of January.